Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our almost cat-astrophic painting night!

NOTE: Pic is not actually Gatsby
(Although similar!)

In order to avoid a “cat-astrophy” Gatsby was sent to time out for the first time.

Phi Sigma Pi friends Danie and Bri came over for a painting night around 8 pm. We scattered all of our paint supplies across the living room coffee table and went to work.

All was going well until Gatsby became jealous of our canvases, which were stealing away the spotlight.

Needless to say, Bri declared Gatsby to be a “rabid non-rabbit”. Soon, his restless and rambunctious behavior was out of control. We all became his enemies (but especially Bri for undisclosed purposes).

After Gatsby was sent to the cage, the night was filled with talking, bonding, and episodes of My Strange Addiction.

Gatsby, we hope you learned your lesson!


  1. Gatsby, paint is not fun. It gets us into trouble, too!

  2. P.S. We left a comment on the cat blogosphere to introduce Gatsby!

  3. We have tried to help with painting too...apparently paint and cats do not mix well!

    It's nice to meet you, Gatsby!

  4. You should have let Gatsby paint. You might have won an award for his masterpiece. :)

  5. Hi Gatsby!! We are very pleased to meet you!! We are so sorry you didn't get to paint anything!!
    Howdy from your TX furiends,

  6. Thank you all for your support and for spreading the word to all of your friends! We are excited to follow your blogs and share our stories of Gatsby! -Jordana and Rachel

  7. Anxiously awaiting more news of Gatsby!
